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"Needles, Lungs & Tongues."  The Chemistry, Use and Effect of Psychoactive Substances. 3CE. 

This content will meet and exceed many state mandatory CE requirements for opioid education, alternatives and prescription guidelines for dentists and hygienists. 

"Mercy or Menace?".  The Use, Effect and Alternatives to Opioids in Dentistry. 1-2 CEU. 
This content will meet and exceed many state mandatory CE requirements for opioid education, alternatives and prescription guidelines for dentists and hygienists. 

"Systemic Cyclones. The Biology of Disease and Wellness."

"Patients, Pills & Pathologies" Why Medical History Clues are Critical General Dental Treatment Planning. 

"Bones, Bugs, Fire & Flies". An introduction to Forensic Odontology.

"Red, White and Blue, What Does it Mean to You?" Practical Oral Pathology for the Dental Team.

“Hidden in View".  Learn to recognize the evidence of harm, violence and trafficking crimes in our patients and our communities.    

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